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Type queries and indexed access types

1. Type Queries

keyof Operator

The keyof operator is used to get the type of the keys of an object.

type DatePropertyNames = keyof Date; // This will return all the properties of Date type.

typeof Operator

The typeof operator is used to get the type of a variable or property. It will always return a string.

async function main() {
const response = await Promise.all([

type Response = typeof response; // This will return the type of response variable.

2. Indexed Access Types

Indexed access types are used to get the type of a property within an object.

const person = {
name: "John",
age: 30,
color: {
primary: "red",
secondary: "blue",

type ColorType = (typeof person)["color"]; // This will return the type of color property of person object.

3. Type Registry Pattern

The Type Registry Pattern allows you to define reusable and type-safe objects, but we'll need more details to explain this pattern further. The concept can be extended to various use cases.